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Lean Manufacturing: what is it and what is it for?

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  • Lean Manufacturing: what is it and what is it for?
Lean manufacturing

It is a management methodology that seeks to maximize customer value by eliminating waste and optimizing processes.

It focuses on minimizing losses in manufacturing systems while maximizing value creation for the end customer. To this end, it uses the minimum amount of resources, i.e., those strictly necessary for growth.

The main philosophy behind Lean Manufacturing is based on the premise that "everything can be improved",implying that all organizations must continuously search for improvement opportunities.

This methodology is based on 5 principles, which are as follows:

  • Value: It is to define what is value for the customer, what he wants, what he prefers.
  • Value flow: It is to map how you do the work when you are asked and how you are asked.
  • Continuous flow: Trying to eliminate processes that do not add value, eliminate waits in inventories so that it is continuous flow.
  • Just-in-time production: Is to work, produce and deliver products or services at the exact time they are needed, avoiding excess inventory and waiting times.
  • Perfection through continuous improvement: It is to foster a culture of continuous improvement, in which everyone can be involved in the process of identifying and solving problems, generating ideas and implementing improvements.

Lean Manufacturing more than a rule of implementation for the improvement of a process is a philosophy, a structure of thought directed towards change and continuous improvement.

The proper implementation of each strategy in its moment of time brings improvements in the processes, it is a way of thinking that applies to all areas of the organization.